Welcome to our dedicated area for high-quality webinars for early childhood teachers. Some webinars are free to watch, but most cost NZ$9.95+GST individually, or you can access all our webinars for a year for just NZ$60+GST with a webinar subscription. Group discounts are also available. We aim to host one or two webinars for early childhood teachers and leaders every month between February and November, and will add webinars to our line-up over the course of the year. Each webinar is approximately one hour long. If you have a webinar subscription, we will email you ahead of each live webinar with joining instructions.
Buy your webinar subscription now
We have changed the way we provide webinar content, to enable us to continue creating our high-quality content for teachers
Prices shown are per person, and are subject to GST (local sales tax) of 15%.
Webinar archive
Watch a recording from our categorised archive
Curriculum webinars
Learning & development webinars
Leadership webinars
Relationships webinars
Children & wellbeing webinars
Environments webinars
Assessment webinars
Professional development webinars