Webinar with Professor Claire McLachlan, Associate Professor Anna Fletcher and Dr Vicki Hargraves
The Possible Me project focused on the development of an evidence base of experiences which are effective for inspiring children’s career aspirations and their purpose for learning. The research, conducted in early childhood settings in Australia, explored children’s perceptions of workplaces and their potential role in the world of work in early childhood, and aimed to support emergent aspirations and expectations of participation in learning that leads to rewarding engagement in the world of work.
Professor Claire McLachlan is the Executive Dean of the Institute of Education, Arts and Community at Federation University Australia, and an Honorary Professor in the Wilf Malcolm Institute for Educational Research at the University of Waikato. Associate Professor Anna Fletcher Acting Director Academic Operations, Institute of Education, Arts and Community, and Director Industry Cooperation, Institute of Education, Arts and Community at Federation University Australia. They join The Education Hub’s Dr Vicki Hargraves, who was also a member of the project team, to talk about their research.