Routines with heart: When routines become rituals

Routines with heart: When routines become rituals

Routines are an impactful and integral part of all early childhood centres. The way teachers engage in and develop routines influences how children feel, supports smooth transitions, and helps give children a sense of ownership of the daily programme.  

Jacqui Lee and her teaching team at Pakuranga Baptist Kindergarten discuss how they have developed their routines into meaningful rituals. Guided by the principle of rangatiratanga, children are encouraged to take leadership of these rituals. The teachers share examples of some of their rituals, including the ritual of filling a kete as an emotional and self-regulation tool.

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Aroha: love

Atawhai: kindness

E tū, tamariki mā: Stand up, children

Karakia: a prayer

Kete: a basket

Ko te hī, ko te hā: breathe in, breathe out

Kupu: vocabulary

Me inoi tatou: Let us pray

Ngāwari: to be affable and easygoing

Rangatiratanga: leadership

Te aroha, te whakapono, me te rangimārie, tatou tatou e: Love, hope, and peace, for us all.

Te reo: language

Waiata: a song

Whakahoa: to be a friend

Whakawhetai mō nga kai, ināine: a prayer to bless food

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