Student wellbeing

HomeSchool resourcesStudent wellbeing

Student wellbeing

HomeSchool resourcesStudent wellbeing

Topic summary

Research reviews

Understanding mental health and wellbeing in intermediate and lower secondary school students

Guidance on how to support the mental health and wellbeing of students aged 11-15.

Mental health and wellbeing for neurodivergent students

Understanding the additional mental health needs of neurodivergent students.

Understanding mental health and wellbeing in upper secondary school students

A closer look at the specific mental health and wellbeing needs of students in their upper teens.


Supporting student mental health and wellbeing

Dr Jess Stubbing shares her expertise as both a researcher and Clinical Psychologist to help teachers and schools know how they can best support student mental health and wellbeing

Providing effective student mental health support and avoiding teacher burnout

Researcher and medical doctor Dr Chris Jenson will discuss his research into providing effective mental health and wellbeing support for students by embedding it into existing curricula and learning programmes

All children deserve (gender) affirmation

Dr And Pasley will discuss why all children deserve to be affirmed for who they are and how gender affirmation might become a space where teachers and students can unpack differences in the classroom and support all children to explore how they want to be in the world



How to support effective emotion regulation in schools and classrooms

Key insights from the webinar with Dr Tracy Stewart.

The importance of belonging and connection to student mental health

Key insights from the webinar with clinical psychologist Dr Jess Stubbing on supporting students' mental health and wellbeing.

Preventive mental health: An impactful and practical approach for schools

An introduction to a new approach to supporting students' mental health within learning programmes.
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