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Free webinar: Māori achieving success as Māori part 2

Janelle Riki-Waaka returns to help educators to positively challenge their existing beliefs and perceptions about te ao Māori, and to build deeper understanding of the best ways to work alongside Māori and enact our responsibilities to te Tiriti o Waitangi

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Free webinar: Māori achieving success as Māori part 2

Janelle Riki-Waaka returns to help educators to positively challenge their existing beliefs and perceptions about te ao Māori, and to build deeper understanding of the best ways to work alongside Māori and enact our responsibilities to te Tiriti o Waitangi


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Remembering the work of Richard Elmore

Remembering the contribution of Professor Richard Elmore to education, research and policy.


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"The Hub articles have been really useful and provided conversations for staff meetings and provocations for teachers. Thank you – great work and food for thought."

Intermediate school teacher, Auckland

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