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Free webinar: Māori achieving success as Māori part 2

Janelle Riki-Waaka returns to help educators to positively challenge their existing beliefs and perceptions about te ao Māori, and to build deeper understanding of the best ways to work alongside Māori and enact our responsibilities to te Tiriti o Waitangi

In the archive

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Webinar summaries

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"Thank you for all the work you do providing New Zealand based perspectives on so many relevant topics in ECE."

Centre manager

Case studies of practice

The limited research on pedagogical leadership in early childhood education

A brief account of the limited research base on pedagogical or educational leadership in early childhood education.

Creativity and teaching, by Tim Patston

Teacher and creativity researcher Dr Tim Patston shares his insights on teaching with, about, and for creativity

Problems of practice: The teaching and learning priorities of New Zealand early childhood teachers

ECE teachers' perspectives on the greatest teaching and learning challenges they face.

Insight: How ECE teachers can help parents through the transition to school

Key ideas for supporting parents and children through the transition to school.

Survey: Teaching priorities in early childhood education

What are the teaching priorities of New Zealand's early childhood teachers?
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